
We are a service provider for Basel companies and those who plan to settle here. Personal contact is important to us.
Here we provide information on the interesting range of services we offer. Would you like to learn more about them? We will connect you with the appropriate cantonal specialist.

  • Innovation promotion

    Innovation promotion

    Do you know the innovation promotion programmes co-financed by the Canton of Basel-Stadt? Basel Area Business & Innovation, Technologiepark Basel, Basel Inkubator. We proactively deploy Public Private Partnerships to retain our position as one of the most innovative locations worldwide.

  • Financial aid by guarantee cooperatives

    Financial aid by guarantee cooperatives

    Do you want to establish a company in the Canton of Basel-Stadt or expand your existing business activity but do not have the necessary funds? We provide you with information on the possibilities for facilitated company financing.

  • Rent and tax relief

    Rent relief

  • International market development

    International market development

    Are you an SME interested in developing new export markets? Do you need professional advice? What strategic partnerships and cooperations does the Canton of Basel-Stadt maintain with other countries?